We Help Teachers &
Their Students p站免翻墙版
We believe teachers who write make the
best teachers of writers.
Because it is p站搭梯子加速软件 a craft you do not do yourself.
(How well would you learn to swim if your instructor had never been in the water?)
Because teacher-writers recognize that the writing process is highly individualized and not a linear progression that fits neatly onto a poster.
Because teacher-writers learn how 手机p站梯子 and 什么梯子能上p站 affect writing and can recognize when they affect
student-writers too.
Because when teachers write, they develop strategies for overcoming their fear and mindset roadblocks and can teach their student-writers how to do the same.
Because being a teacher-writer helps you plan your writing lessons and confer with your student-writers more effectively.
Because teacher-writers recognize the very important role writing for an authentic audience and being a part of a supportive writing community makes in the life of a writer.
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If you are looking for learning opportunities to help you grow as a writer and as a teacher of writers, The Teach Write Academy is the place to go!
Online writing workshops, downloadable courses & more!
Are you looking to improve your students' writing engagement and ability? Are you in need of professionals who are knowledgeable in writing instruction with proven classroom experience to support and train your staff? Do you have curriculum questions about writing development?
Classroom tested, researched-based activities to try in your writing classroom today can be found on our blog. We will discuss what has worked, what hasn't, and what we've learned from it all!
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Whether you are looking for resources about writing instruction or looking for ways to develop your own writing craft, this is the place to start!

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Teach Write, LLC
Jennifer Laffin, Owner